Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Holy socks

Today, as I was shopping for groceries, I’ve found it very hard to buy something for me -nice. I needed socks and a new shirt; however, I put them back on the rack. I felt so guilty about buying necessities for me. Currently, my socks all have holes in them and my clothes are fading from the multiple washes they have all endured. Food or socks? An easy question -food, and toiletries.  Overall, the thought that I was able to buy them -at that very instant, was gratitude in the making. One day, I’ll get those socks and that nice shirt. In the meantime, I’ll take care of my priorities.

Furthermore, as I was walking throughout the store, broke as shit, I focused on the good. I’ve witnessed the most beautiful smiles, love, and a sense of contentment. I am grateful for my life -when I am focusing on the good. Focus only on the good -so that more good will come to you.

What a life -a good life. It only gets better from here.

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